Bulk Edit

This section of the documentation contains links to external sites. Please be advised that these external sites are not maintained by the FOLIO Documentation Group and may be aligned with a different FOLIO release.

The Bulk Edit app allows a user to apply changes to multiple FOLIO records simultaneously.

Bulk edit can apply changes to these record types:

For more information about record types in the Inventory app, see Metadata > Inventory.

For more information about User records, see Users > View a user record.


The permissions listed below allow you to interact with the Bulk Edit app and determine what you can or cannot do within the app. Bulk edit permissions, combined with other functional app permissions, allow a user to access specific areas of the Bulk Edit app. Depending on how your library runs bulk edit jobs, users may also need permissions in other modules, such as Export Manager, Inventory, Users, and Settings.

Permissions are assigned to users in the Users app. If none of the Bulk edit permissions are assigned to a user, they are unable to see the Bulk Edit app or any related information. See Users > Assign or unassign permissions for more information.

The following are the permissions for the Bulk edit app:

  • Bulk edit: Can build query: This permission allows the user to build and test a query, and preview matched records in the Bulk edit app.
  • Bulk edit: Can view logs This permission allows the user to download and view logs in the Bulk Edit app.
  • Bulk edit: In app - Edit inventory records This permission allows the user to edit a field in multiple inventory records in the Bulk Edit app.
  • Bulk edit: In app - View inventory records This permission allows the user to view a list of identified inventory records in the Bulk Edit app.
  • Bulk edit: Local - Edit user records This permission allows the user to edit a field in multiple identified user records in the Bulk Edit app by uploading a .csv file.
  • Bulk edit: Local - View user records This permission allows the user to view a list of identified user records in Bulk Edit by uploading a .csv file.

Identify records for bulk edit

The Bulk edit app provides two methods for identifying records: Identifier and Query.


The Identifier approach allows the user to set criteria for the bulk edit by uploading a list of record identifiers from a .csv file. Only .csv files containing one column of record identifiers are accepted for upload in the Bulk edit app. If the .csv file contains more than one column, the upload will not be successful and a Something went wrong message displays.

To set criteria for bulk edit using Identifier, follow these steps:

  1. In the Set Criteria pane, select the Identifier button.
  2. Select the Record type.
  3. Select the Record identifier from the Select record identifier drop-down menu. Record identifiers available for selection are based on the Record type.
  4. Drag and drop your .csv file into the Select a file with record identifiers box, or click or choose file to upload the .csv file from your computer.


The Query function in the Bulk Edit app allows the user to build a query to identify records for bulk edit.

To set criteria for bulk edit using Query, follow these steps:

  1. In the Set Criteria pane, click on the Query tab.

  2. Select the Record type.

  3. Click the Build query button to open the Build query modal.

  4. Select a Field from the Select field drop-down menu or filter the selection by typing the field in the Filter options list text box.

  5. Select an Operator from the Select operator drop-down list. The operators available for selection are based on the Field.

    • ==: Field equals selected or input Value.
    • !=: Field does not equal selected or input Value.
    • Contains: Field appears in selected or input Value.
    • Starts: Field starts with selected or input Value.
    • >: Field is greater than the selected or input Value.
    • <: Field is less than the selected or input Value.
    • >=: Field is greater than or equal to the selected or input Value.
    • <=: Field is less than or equal to the selected or input Value.
    • Is null/empty: Field is blank; it contains no data.
  6. Select a Value from the Select value drop-down list or type the value in the text box. The values available for selection are based on the Field and Operator.

  7. Click on the + icon to add additional lines to the query or click on the trash can icon to delete a line from the query.

  8. Once a query is built, it must be tested before the query can be run and saved. Click the Test query button to run the query and display a preview of matched records. The query string can be edited in the Query string field. If edited, another Test query must be done.

  9. If the Test query is successful, click the Run query button to run the query and preview the matched records in the Bulk edit query modal.

Preview matched records

If the Identifier method is used to identify records for bulk edit, the number of records matched and the filename display at the top of the Bulk edit modal.

If the Query method is used to identify records for bulk edit, a Test query displays the query string and number of matched records at the top of the Build query modal.

If the query is run, the Query and a preview of matched records display in the Bulk edit query modal.

To add or remove record identifier columns in the preview pane, click the Actions button.

  • In the Show columns section of the Actions menu, check the box next to the name of the record identifier to include as a column in the preview.
  • Uncheck the box next to the name of the record identifier to remove the column from the preview.

Download matched records

If desired, download the matched records as a .csv file:

  • In the Preview pane, click Actions and select Download matched records (CSV).
  • Depending on the web browser settings, the .csv file may be opened and/or saved.

Download errors

If there are errors in the matched records, a message indicating the filename, number of entries, number of records matched, and number of errors displays in a two-column table in the Errors section.

  • Record identifier. The record identifier for the records that produced the error.
  • Reason for error. The reason why the error was produced.

To download the list of errors as a .csv file, follow these steps:

  1. In the Preview pane, select Actions > Download errors (CSV).
  2. Depending on the web browser settings, the .csv file may be opened and/or saved.

Bulk edit by record type

Inventory - holdings

In the Bulk edit app, the fields that can be changed in Holdings records include:

To identify Holdings records for bulk edit, follow these steps:

  1. In the Set criteria pane, ensure Record types is set to Inventory - holdings.
  2. Identify holdings records for bulk edit by using the Identifier or Query method.
  3. Preview the list of matched holdings records in the Preview of record matched pane.
  4. (Optional): Download the matched holdings records as a .csv file.
  5. (Optional): Download errors in matched holdings records as a .csv file.

To start a bulk edit on the matched Holdings records, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Actions > Start bulk edit.
  2. Under Options, click the drop-down list and select the field you want to edit.
  3. Under Actions, click Select action and select the action you want to apply to the holdings records. Actions available for selection are based on the field selected for bulk edit.
  4. To edit an additional field during the same bulk edit job, click the + sign near the end of the row. Another row will appear under the existing row(s).
  5. To remove a field, click the trash can icon at the end of the row you want to remove.
  6. Click Confirm changes. A new window will appear with a preview of the first 10 records to be changed.
  7. To return to the bulk edit, click Keep editing. The window will close and you can continue editing.
  8. To preview the entire list of records, click Download preview. A .csv file is downloaded to your local device.
  9. To run the bulk edit job, click Save & close. The window closes and the banner at the top of the Bulk edit pane displays the number of records successfully changed.
  10. To download the list of changed records, click the Actions button at the top right of the pane. Select Download changed records (CSV). The .csv file is downloaded to your local device.

Administrative note

To bulk edit the Administrative note in the matched holdings records, follow these steps:

  1. Under Options, select Administrative note from the drop-down list.

  2. Click Actions to select the action you want to apply from the drop-down list:

    • Add note. Input note text you want added.
    • Change note type. Select the new note type.
    • Find (full field search). Input note text you want to find. Select Replace with and input new text or select Remove to remove the text.
    • Remove all. Delete all administrative notes in the matched holdings records.
  3. Click Confirm changes. The selected action will be applied to the matched holdings records. The Preview of records to be changed will pop up with options of Keep editing, Download preview, or Commit changes.

  4. Click Commit changes to save the changes to the matched holdings records.

Electronic access

To bulk edit the Electronic access in the matched holdings records, follow these steps:

  1. In the Bulk edit window, select the appropriate Electronic access field from the Select option drop-down list.

    • Link text
    • Materials specified
    • URI
    • URL public note
    • URL Relationship.
  2. Click Actions to select the action you want to apply from the drop-down list:

    • Clear field. Removes the data in the selected field of the matched holdings records.
    • Find (full field search). Input the text you want to find. Select Replace with and input new text or select Remove to remove the text.
    • URL Relationship. Select No display constant generated, No information provided, Related resource, Resource, or Version of resource.
    • Replace with. Replaces the text in the matched holdings records with the new text.
    • URL Relationship. Select No display constant generated, No information provided, Related resource, Resource, or Version of resource.
  3. Click Confirm changes. The selected action will be applied to the matched holdings records.

  4. The Preview of records to be changed will pop up with options of Keep editing, Download preview, or Commit changes.

  5. Click Commit changes to save the changes to the matched holdings records.

Holdings location

To bulk edit the Holdings location in the matched holdings records, follow these steps:

  1. In the Bulk edit window, select the appropriate location from the Select option drop-down list. The following holdings locations may be changed in the Bulk edit app:

    • Permanent location
    • Temporary location.
  2. Click Actions to select the action you want to apply from the drop-down list.

    • Clear field. Removes the data in the location field.
    • Replace with. Replaces the location field in the matched holdings records with the location selected in the Select location drop-down list or the Location look-up.
  3. Click Confirm changes. The selected action will be applied to the matched holdings records.

  4. The Preview of records to be changed will pop up with options of Keep editing, Download preview, or Commit changes.

  5. Click Commit changes to save the changes to the matched holdings records.

Holdings notes

To bulk edit a holdings note in the matched holdings records, follow these steps:

  1. In the Bulk edit window, select the appropriate holdings note from the Select option drop-down list:

    • Action note
    • Binding
    • Copy note
    • Electronic bookplate
    • Note
    • Provenance
    • Reproduction
  2. Click Actions to select the action you want to apply from the drop-down list:

    • Add note. Input note text you want added.
    • Change note type. Select the new note type you want.
    • Find (full field search). Input note text you want to find. Select Replace with and input new text or select Remove to remove the text.
    • Mark as staff only. Marks the holdings note as viewable by staff only.
    • Remove all. Delete all check in notes in the matched holdings records.
    • Remove mark as staff only. Removes the staff only designation from the matched holdings note.
  3. Click Confirm changes. The selected action will be applied to the matched holdings records.

  4. The Preview of records to be changed will pop up with options of Keep editing, Download preview, or Commit changes.

  5. Click Commit changes to save the changes to the matched holdings records.

Suppress from discovery

To suppress the matched holdings records from discovery in the Bulk edit app, follow these steps:

  1. In the Bulk edit window, select Suppress from discovery from the Select option drop-down list.

  2. Select the appropriate Action from the Select action drop-down list.

    • Set true: Suppresses the matched holdings records from discovery.
    • Set false: Unsuppresses the matched holdings records from discovery.
  3. Once an action is selected, the Data defaults to apply the same Set true or Set false action to all matched holdings and item records. Click the appropriate checkbox(es) if you do not want the selected action to be applied to the holdings records.

  4. Click Confirm changes to apply the changes to the matched holdings records. An Are you sure? message appears in a new window with a Preview of records to be changed. An alert appears at the top of the window: (Number of) records will be changed if the Commit changes button is clicked.

  5. Click Keep editing to return to the Bulk edits window, Download preview to preview the changes before saving, or Commit changes to run the bulk edit.

  6. Click Commit changes to perform the bulk edit and save the changes to the matched holdings records.

Inventory - instances

In the Bulk edit app, the fields that can be changed in Instance records include:

To identify Instance records for bulk edit, follow these steps:

  1. In the Set criteria pane, ensure Record types is set to Inventory - instances.
  2. Identify instance records for bulk edit by using the Identifier or Query method.
  3. Preview the list of matched instance records in the Preview of record matched pane.
  4. (Optional): Download the matched instance records as a .csv file.
  5. (Optional): Download errors in matched instance records as a .csv file.

To start a bulk edit on the matched Instance records, follow these steps:

  1. Click Actions > Start bulk edit.

  2. Under Options, click the drop-down list and select the field you want to edit.

  3. Under Actions, click Select action and select the action you want to apply to the holdings records. Actions available for selection are based on the field selected for bulk edit.

    • To edit an additional field during the same bulk edit job, click the + sign near the end of the row. Another row will appear under the existing row(s).
    • To remove a field, click the trash can icon at the end of the row you want to remove.
  4. Click Confirm changes. A new window will appear with a preview of the first 10 records to be changed.

  5. To return to the bulk edit, click Keep editing. The window will close and you can continue editing.

  6. To preview the entire list of records, click Download preview. A .csv file is downloaded to your local device.

  7. To run the bulk edit job, click Save & close. The window closes and the banner at the top of the Bulk edit pane displays the number of records successfully changed.

  8. To download the list of changed records, click the Actions button at the top right of the pane. Select Download changed records (CSV). The .csv file is downloaded to your local device.

Staff suppress

To suppress the matched Instance records from staff view in the Bulk edit app, follow these steps:

  1. In the Bulk edit window, select Staff suppress from the Select option drop-down list.

  2. Select the appropriate Action from the Select action drop-down list.

    • Set true: Suppresses the matched instance records from staff view.
    • Set false: Unsuppresses the matched instance records from staff view.
  3. Click Confirm changesto apply the changes to the matched instance records.

    • An Are you sure? message displays in a new window with a Preview of records to be changed.
    • An alert displays at the top of the window: *(Number of) records will be changed if the Commit changes button is clicked.
    • Click Download preview to review all changes prior to saving.
    • Click Keep editing to return to the Bulk edit window.
  4. Click Commit changes to run the bulk edit and save the changes to the matched Instance records.

Suppress from discovery

To suppress the matched instance records from discovery in the Bulk edit app, follow these steps:

  1. In the Bulk edit window, select Suppress from discovery from the Select option drop-down list.

  2. Select the appropriate Action from the Select action drop-down list.

    • Set true: Suppresses the matched instance records from discovery.
    • Set false: Unsuppresses the matched instance records from discovery.
  3. Once an action is selected, the Data defaults to apply the same Set true or Set false action to all holdings records and all items records. Click the appropriate checkbox(es) if you do not want the selected action to be applied to the holdings records and/or item records.

  4. Click Confirm changes to apply the changes to the matched instance records.

    • An Are you sure? message appears in a new window with a Preview of records to be changed.
    • An alert appears at the top of the window: (Number of) records will be changed if the Commit changes button is clicked.
    • Choose Download preview to review all changes prior to saving.
    • Click Keep editing to return to the Bulk edit window or Download preview to preview the changes before saving.
  5. Click Commit changes to run the bulk edit and save the changes to the matched instance records.

Inventory - items

To identify Item records for bulk edit, follow these steps:

  1. In the Set criteria pane, ensure Record types is set to Inventory - items.
  2. Identify item records for bulk edit by using the Identifier or Query method.
  3. Preview the list of matching item records in the Preview of record matched pane.
  4. (Optional): Download the matched item records as a .csv file.
  5. (Optional): Download errors in the matched item records as a .csv file.

In the Bulk edit app, the fields that can be changed in Item records include:

To start a bulk edit on the matched item records, follow these steps:

  1. Click Actions > Start bulk edit.

  2. Under Options, click the drop-down list and select the field you want to edit.

  3. Under Actions, click Select action and select the action you want to apply to the item records. Actions available for selection are based on the field selected for bulk edit.

    • To edit an additional field during the same bulk edit job, click the + sign near the end of the row. Another row will appear under the existing row(s).
    • To remove a field, click the trash can icon at the end of the row you want to remove.
  4. Click Confirm changes. A new window will appear with a preview of the first 10 item records to be changed.

  5. To return to the bulk edit, click Keep editing. The window will close and you can continue editing.

  6. To preview the entire list of matched item records, click Download preview. A .csv file is downloaded to your local device.

  7. To run the bulk edit and save changes to the matched item records, click Commit changes. The window closes and the banner at top of the Bulk edit pane displays the number of records successfully changed.

  8. To download the list of changed item records, click the Actions button at the top right of the pane. Select Download changed records (CSV). The .csv file is downloaded to your local device.

Administrative note

To bulk edit the Administrative note in the matched item records, follow these steps:

  1. Under Options, select Administrative note from the drop-down list.

  2. Click Actions to select the action you want to apply from the drop-down list:

    • Add note. Input note text you want added.
    • Change note type. Select the new note type.
    • Find (full field search). Input note text you want to find. Select Replace with and input new text or select Remove to remove the text.
    • Remove all. Delete administrative notes in the matched item records.
  3. Click Confirm changes. The selected action will be applied to the matched item records.

  4. The Preview of records to be changed will display with options of Keep editing, Download preview, or Commit changes.

  5. Click Commit changes to run the bulk edit and save the changes to the matched item records.

Check in note

To bulk edit the Check in note in the matched item records, follow these steps:

  1. Under Options, select Check in note from the drop-down list.

  2. Click Actions to select the action you want to apply from the drop-down list:

    • Add note. Input note text you want added.
    • Change note type. Select the new note type.
    • Duplicate to. Duplicates the note as a Check out note.
    • Find (full field search). input note text you want to find. Select Replace with and input new text or select Remove to remove the text.
    • Mark as staff only. Marks the check in note as viewable by staff only.
    • Remove all. Deletes any check in notes from the matched item records.
    • Remove mark as staff only. Removes the staff only designation for the check in note.
  3. Click Confirm changes. The selected action will be applied to the matched item records.

  4. The Preview of records to be changed will display with options of Keep editing, Download preview, or Commit changes.

  5. Click Commit changes to run the bulk edit and save the changes to the matched Item records.

Check out note

To bulk edit the Check out note in the matched item records, follow these steps:

  1. Under Options, select Check out note from the drop-down list.

  2. Click Actions to select the action you want to apply from the drop-down list.

    • Add note. Input note text you want added.
    • Change note type. Select the new note type.
    • Duplicate to. Duplicates the note as a Check in note.
    • Find (full field search). Input note text you want to find. Select Replace with and input new text or select Remove to remove the text.
    • Mark as staff only. Marks the check out note as viewable by staff only.
    • Remove all. Deletes all check out notes from the matched item records.
    • Remove mark as staff only. Removes the staff only designation for the check out note.
  3. Click Confirm changes. The selected action will be applied to the matched Item records.

  4. The Preview of records to be changed will pop up with options of Keep editing, Download preview, or Commit changes.

  5. Click Commit changes to run bulk edit and save the changes to the matched Item records.

Item notes

To bulk edit an item note in the matched item records, follow these steps:

  1. In the Bulk edit window, select the appropriate item note from the Select option drop-down list. The following types of item notes may be changed in the Bulk edit app:

    • Action note
    • Binding
    • Copy note
    • Electronic bookplate
    • Note
    • Provenance
    • Reproduction
  2. Click Actions to select the action you want to apply from the drop-down list. Actions available in the Bulk edit app include:

    • Add note. Input note text you want added.
    • Change note type. Select the new note type you want.
    • Find (full field search). Input note text you want to find. Select Replace with and input new text or select Remove to remove the text.
    • Mark as staff only. Marks the item note as viewable by staff only.
    • Remove all. Deletes any item notes from the matched item records.
    • Remove mark as staff only. Removes the staff only designation for the item note.
  3. Click Confirm changes. The selected action will be applied to the matched item records.

  4. The Preview of records to be changed will pop up with options of Keep editing, Download preview, or Commit changes. Click Commit changes to run bulk edit and save the changes to the matched item records.

Item status

To bulk edit the item status field in the matched records, follow these steps:

  1. In the Bulk edit window, select Item status from the Select option drop-down list. For item status, the only Action allowed in the Bulk edit app is Replace with. This action is pre-selected by default.
  2. Click Select item status to select the item status you want to apply from the drop-down list. See Supported item records status changes for a list of item status change options.
  3. Click Confirm changes. The new Item status will be applied to the matched Item records.
  4. The Preview of records to be changed will pop up with options of Keep editing, Download preview, or Commit changes.
  5. Click Commit changes to run bulk edit and save the changes to the matched item records.

Loan type

To bulk edit the Loan type in the matched item records, follow these steps:

  1. In the Bulk edit window, select the appropriate loan type from the Select option drop-down list. The following loan types may be changed in the Bulk edit app:

    • Permanent loan type
    • Temporary loan type.
  2. Click Actions to select the action you want to apply from the drop-down list.

    • For permanent loan type, the only Action allowed in the Bulk edit app is Replace with. This action is pre-selected by default.

    • For temporary loan type, the actions available in the Bulk edit app include:

      • Clear field. Removes the data in the loan type field of the matched item records.
      • Replace with. Replaces the loan type in the matched item records with the loan type selected in the Select loan type drop-down list or use the Filter options list to select the new loan type.
  3. Click Confirm changes. The selected action will be applied to the matched item records.

  4. The Preview of records to be changed will pop up with options of Keep editing, Download preview, or Commit changes.

  5. Click Commit changes to run bulk edit and save the changes to the matched Item records.


To bulk edit the Location in the matched item records, follow these steps:

  1. In the Bulk edit window, select the appropriate location from the Select option drop-down list. The following Locations may be changed in the Bulk edit app:

    • Permanent location
    • Temporary location
  2. Click Actions to select the action you want to apply from the drop-down list.

    • Clear field. Removes the data in the location field.
    • Replace with. Replaces the location field in the matched item records with the location selected in the Select location drop-down list or the Location look-up.
  3. Click Confirm changes. The selected action will be applied to the matched item records. The Preview of records to be changed will pop up with options of Keep editing, Download preview, or Commit changes.

  4. Click Commit changes to run bulk edit and save the changes to the matched Item records.

Suppress from discovery

To suppress the matched item records from discovery in the Bulk edit app, follow these steps:

  1. In the Bulk edit window, select Suppress from discovery from the Select option drop-down list.

  2. Select the appropriate Action from the Select action drop-down list.

    • Set true: Suppresses the matched item records from discovery.
    • Set false: Unsuppresses the matched item records from discovery.
  3. Click Confirm changes to apply the changes to the matched item records.

    • An Are you sure? message displays in a new window with a Preview of records to be changed.
    • An alert appears at the top of the window: (Number of) records will be changed if the Commit changes button is clicked.
    • Download preview to review all changes prior to saving;
    • Click Keep editing to return to the Bulk edits window;
    • Download preview to preview the changes before saving; or
    • Commit changes to run the bulk edit.
  4. Click Commit changes to run bulk edit and save the changes to the matched Item records.


To identify User records for bulk edit, follow these steps:

  1. In the Set criteria pane, ensure Record types is set to Users.

  2. Identify user records for bulk edit by using the Identifier or Query method.

    • The Query method allows only a preview of matched user records in the Bulk edit app. User records cannot be edited using the Query method.
    • The Identifier method allows bulk edit to be performed on all fields of a user record.
  3. Preview the list of matching user records in the Preview of record matched pane. The following information appears in the Preview of record matched pane:

    • Username. The username of the user.
    • Barcode. The barcode from the user record.
    • Status. The status of the user.
    • Patron group. The patron group assigned to the user.
    • Last name. The last name of the user.
    • First name. The first name of the user.
  4. (Optional; Identifier method only): Download the matched user records as a .csv file.

  5. (Optional; Identifier method only): Download errors in matched user records as a .csv file.

Start bulk edit

The Start bulk edit approach allows bulk edit to change the Email, Expiration Date, and/or Patron Group fields in matching user records. Bulk edit may be performed on each of these fields individually or simultaneously.

To perform bulk edit on matched User records using the Start bulk edit method, follow these steps:

  1. In the Preview pane, click Actions > Start bulk edit. The number of matched user records and the filename of the .csv file display at the top of the Bulk edit window.

  2. In the Bulk edits section, select the option from the Select options drop-down menu. To bulk edit all three fields simultaneously, click the + icon at the end of the row to add another bulk edit option.

    • Email: Bulk edit performs a find and replace in the email address field of the matched user records. Thus, the Actions available are Find (full field search) and Replace with. Type the current data (text) in the Find (full field search) box. Type the new data (text) in the Replace with box.
    • Expiration date: Bulk edit replaces the data in the Expiration date of the matched user records. Thus, the Actions available are limited to Replace with. Type the new expiration date in MM/DD/YYYY format in the Data box or use the calendar icon to select a date.
    • Patron group: Bulk edit replaces the Patron group data in the matched user records. Thus, the Actions available are limited to Replace with. Select the new Patron group from the Data drop-down menu.
  3. Click the Confirm changes button. The message (Number of) records will be changed if the Commit changes button is clicked displays in the Are you sure? modal.

    • Click Keep editing to return to the Bulk edit window.
    • Click Download preview to review all changes prior to saving.* A **Preview of records to be changed** is also displayed.
    • Click Commit changes to run bulk edit and save the changes to the matched user records.
  4. When the bulk edit is complete, a confirmation message, (Number of) records have been successfully changed, appears in the Bulk edit window.

  5. To change the column headings in the Preview of record changed table, click Actions and select or deselect the fields in the Show columns list as appropriate.

  6. To download a .csv file of changed records, click Actions > Download changed records (CSV).

Start bulk edit (Local)

The Start bulk edit (Local) function allows the user to perform a bulk edit on user records edited locally (external to FOLIO) by uploading a .csv file of the changed, or edited, user records.

Any field in user records can be changed using the Bulk edit (Local) approach.

To perform bulk edit on user records using the Start bulk edit (Local) approach, follow these steps:

  1. In the Set criteria pane, select Users as the Record type and select the appropriate Record identifier: User UUIDs, User barcodes, External IDs, or Usernames.
  2. Upload a .csv file with the selected Record identifier by either using the Drag and drop option or clicking the Choose file button.
  3. Select Actions > Download matched records (CSV) to download a .csv file of matched user records; or select Actions > Download errors (CSV) to download a .csv file of records that did not match your selected record identifier.
  4. Edit the downloaded .csv file and make changes to the user records in the file itself. Save the edited .csv file to your computer.
  5. Select Actions > Start bulk edit (Local).
  6. In the Bulk edit window, Drag and drop the .csv file into the Upload CSV file with edited records box, or click or choose file to upload the .csv file from your computer. If the .csv file is uploaded successfully, the confirmation message, (Name of File).csv successfully uploaded, displays in a new window.
  7. Click Next. The warning message, (Number of) records will be updated if the Commit changes button is clicked. appears in a new window. Click Commit changes. Bulk edit will apply and save the local changes to the matched user records in FOLIO.


The Bulk edit app allows users to preview bulk edit logs based on set criteria and download a file associated with a bulk edit job.

Preview bulk edit logs

The options available for setting criteria include: Statuses, Record types, Started, Ended, and User.

To set criteria and preview bulk edit logs, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Logs tab in the Set criteria pane.

  2. Under the Statuses accordion, select the status for the bulk edit log by checking the appropriate box:

    • New
    • Retrieving records
    • Saving records
    • Data modification
    • Reviewing changes
    • Completed
    • Completed with errors
    • Failed
  3. Under the Record types accordion, select the record type for the bulk edit log by checking the appropriate box:

    • Inventory - holdings
    • Inventory - instances
    • Inventory - items
    • Users
  4. In the Started accordion, use the calendar icon or type in the date using the YYYY-MM-DD format in the From and To fields to limit the preview by the start date of the bulk edit. Click Apply.

  5. In the Ended accordion, use the calendar icon or type in the date using the YYYY-MM-DD format in the From and To fields to limit the preview by the end date of the bulk edit. Click Apply.

  6. In the Users accordion, select the user, or FOLIO account, that ran the bulk edit job from the Choose user drop-down list.

  7. A preview list of bulk edit logs displays in the Bulk edit logs pane. The number of bulk edit logs in the preview displays at the top of the pane as (number of) records found. The column headings display the following criteria for each bulk edit log:

    • Record type: type of records changed in the bulk edit job
    • Status: status of the bulk edit job
    • Editing: method of bulk edit used
    • # of records: number of records retrieved for bulk edit job
    • Processed: number of records changed in bulk edit job
    • Started: start date and start time of bulk edit job
    • Ended: end date and end time of bulk edit job
    • Run by: user or FOLIO account used to run the bulk edit job
    • ID: system-generated number assigned to the bulk edit job

Download a bulk edit log file

In the Bulk edit app, a file used to run a bulk edit job can be downloaded and saved from the Bulk edit logs pane.

To download a file associated with a bulk edit log, follow these steps:

  1. In the Bulk edit logs pane, click on the ellipses in the Actions column next to the appropriate Bulk edit log.

  2. Select the appropriate action from the Download drop-down list. The types of files available for download include:

    • File that was used to trigger the bulk edit
    • File with the matching records
    • File with errors encountered during the record matching

Depending on the web browser settings, the file can be opened and/or saved to your computer.

Last modified July 8, 2024